Thursday, February 3, 2011

New Sign!!

A bright and shiny new sign for the Salvinia Weevil Rearing Facility was installed just outside of greenhouses at the Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge in Karnack, Texas. The sign is easily visible from the refuge visitor's center and will help to provide information about the weevil and its impacts on giant salvinia. This sign summarizes the project goals along with the biology of the salvinia weevil. If you're in the area, feel free to come to the main office located near the greenhouses and ask for a tour of the facility.

The Salvinia weevil rearing facility has also gotten some local press in the past week. February 2nd of every year is celebrated as World Wetlands Day and during this year's local celebration, an update on the activities going on with the salvinia weevil rearing facility was a part of the discussion. You can read the article from the
Marshall News Messenger regarding World Wetlands Day on Caddo Lake featuring the Caddo Lake Giant Salvinia Project at:

Also, please visit our frequently updated facebook page. From facebook ,you can search "caddo lake" or simply click the link below.!/pages/Caddo-Lake-Giant-Salvinia-Eradication-Project/162588863767594

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