Friday, November 11, 2011
Low Water and Drought - Caddo Lake Article
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Sen. Hutchison Praises Caddo Lake Giant Salvinia Work
Last week we had the privilege of U.S. Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison visiting Caddo Lake and touring the Center for Invasive Species Eradication’s salvinia weevil-rearing facility located at the wildlife refuge.

Following the tour, Hutchison spoke to a group gathered at the Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge about the threat that invasive species such as the giant salvinia pose to the refuge and to Texas lakes.
“While Caddo Lake is home to hundreds of animal, fish and plant species, invasive species threaten this magnificent resource,” said Hutchison. “We are proud to work with the Caddo Lake Institute and Texas A&M University on creating a center of excellence focused on eradicating invasive species.”
You can read the full AgriLife TODAY story for more information. Visit our Facebook page for more photos of the day's events.
Sen. Hutchison also applauded the Caddo Lake Giant Salvinia Eradication Project in her weekly column in the Mineola Monitor, noting that "this promising research will help restore Caddo's habitats and protect this unique natural treasure." Read the full Mineola Monitor article for more information.
Recap of Congressional Hearing on Giant Salvinia

Back in June, we attended a Congressional hearing in Shreveport on giant salvinia.
Experts at the hearing testified that there is no silver bullet for giant salvinia. They also stressed that research collaboration in combination with various management methods and education is essential to fighting the plant.
Testimony by federal agencies, Texas and Louisiana state agencies, universities and non-governmental organizations on efforts to control and eradicate giant salvinia were heard during the field hearing of the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans, and Insular Affairs on June 27 at Louisiana State University–Shreveport.
Subcommittee Chairman Rep. John Fleming from Louisiana and Rep. Louie Gohmert from Texas attended the hearing. Staff from the Texas AgriLife Extension Service and the Texas Water Resources Institute (TWRI) attended the hearing.
“We are losing ground on something we don’t have an answer for,” said Robert Barham, secretary of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries. Louisiana has seen its state-wide infestation of giant salvinia grow from approximately 13,000 acres to more than 25,000 acres in two years.
Richard Lowerre, Caddo Lake Institute president, highlighted our work on rearing the salvinia weevils for release into the lake and educating the public, with collaborators Texas AgriLife Research, Texas AgriLife Extension, and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
Dr. Michael J. Grodowitz, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers research entomologist, said the biological control of giant salvinia with salvinia weevils is “highly promising” but said managing the plant through biological control is a long-term process. Grodowitz said besides looking at ways to control the plant, research needs to be done on what underlying factors in a particular waterbody allow the plants to grow and out-compete native plant species.
Other witnesses were Louisiana State Rep. Henry Burns; Ross Melinchuck, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department deputy director; Michael Massimi, Barataria-Terrebonne National Estuary Program invasive species coordinator; Ken Ward, Caddo Parish Department of Public Works project manager; Dr. Randy Westbrooks, U.S. Geological Survey National Wetlands Research Center invasive species prevention specialist; Dr. Dearl Sanders, Louisiana State University Idlewild Research Station resident coordinator; Jeffrey Trandahl, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation executive director; and Dr. Damon Waitt, University of Texas Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center senior director.
Read the Natural Resources Committee news release. Listen to the hearing.
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Giant Salvinia Article - Houston Chronicle
Monday, June 6, 2011
Large-Scale Weevil Releases Begin
To date, we've released a little over 70,000 weevils in the three locations (and an additional estimated 217,000 weevil larvae that would be within the released plant material). These weevils came from only two tanks in which we removed approximately 80% of the material of each tank. The two tanks had a spring weevil population "explosion" in which the adult weevil population density increased from 8 adults per pound to an estimated 85 weevils per pound! Consequently (and not surprisingly), the salvinia in the weevil tanks quickly began to crash due to this high number of weevils. As a result, every time we're on the water, we bring in fresh giant salvinia off the lake to keep our remaining weevils happy, well-fed, and reproducing. Hopefully, we'll be seeing some progress from the released weevils and will be able to report all findings.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Recent Media Regarding Invasives and Caddo Lake Efforts
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Hurry Up...and Wait. Salvinia Still Recovering
As of early May, there appears to be few, if any mats of giant salvinia that appear large and green enough for a large scale weevil release (however, the water hyacinth seems to be recovering rapidly). We know this situation will change quickly as we progress into May and early-June; as summer approaches, it's quite possible we'll have many covered areas that will be ideal for weevil releases.
We are hoping to do our first large scale release in the next 2-3 weeks. Of course, this is anticipating that we have some spots with adequate giant salvinia on the lake. If you are interested in assisting with this and other weevil releases, please email to receive more information. As giant salvinia growth increases and CISE efforts ramp up, look for more updates on the blog and facebook page.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Caddo Lake Community Meeting - April 7th, 2011
DATE: April 7th, 2011
TIME: 5:30 - 7:15 PM
Karnack Community Center
15593 FM 134 (at the intersection of FM 134 and T.J. Taylor Avenue)
- Aquatic Vegetation Control on Caddo Lake (including talks regarding the Giant Salvinia Eradication Project)
- Texas Master Naturalists Presentation
- Texas Mussel Watch Program Presentation
- Updates on Enviornmental Flows, Paddling Trails, LHAAP Cleanup, and paddlefish establishment
Spring Weevil Study Commences
To do this, 30 cages (the same cages from the overwintering study) containing 12 adult weevils with fresh salvinia along with temperature loggers were placed on the lake last week. Each week for the next 10 weeks, three cages will be removed at random and the salvinia within will be extensively searched for adults, newly emerged adults (which will have a red color), and any larvae present (larvae will be found tunneling through the rhizome of the plant). We will be looking for the time and temperature at which "significant numbers' of larvae are present in all the cages.
Also, some recent local publicity regarding Caddo Lake and this project appeared in the Marshall News Messenger on March, 20, 2011.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Cold Winter Helped...Salvinia Expected To Recover
Despite this cold weather, we've found several very thick mats around the lake that show survival of green material under the insulating top layer. It's anticipated that these spots will be major expansion points as summer approaches. The first two pictures show the freeze damaged salvinia with green material showing through. These areas should provide good weevil sites for our early season stockings.
On another note, in late February, we completed the re-filling of our weevil tanks with Caddo Lake water. With the warm, sunny weather we've been experiencing lately, the giant salvinia in these tanks has been greening up nicely. Hopefully, our weevils will flourish and be ready for placement on the lake in the very near future!
Finally, here is a recent article about the Caddo Lake salvinia project in the Winter 2011 edition of "TX H2O":
Friday, February 25, 2011
Caddo Lake Giant Salvinia Meeting - April 7, 2011
More information on the Inter-Agency Giant Salvinia Control Team can be found at:
There will also be a community update meeting for anyone who is interested regarding giant salvinia and other Caddo Lake issues at 6 PM on April 7th, 2011 at the Karnack Community Center.
A meeting agenda will be posted once developed. We look forward to seeing all of you there for the evening update meeting.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Weevil Counting Using Berlese Funnels
To use these funnels, a pre-weighed amount of giant salvinia (fresh weight) is placed into the funnel(s) and the 40watt light bulb is turned on for 24 to 48 hours. The weevils, trying to get away from the drying light, fall through a screen and into a mason jar at the bottom of the funnel. By counting these weevils in the jar, we are able to extrapolate how many salvinia weevils are present in an area
of giant salvinia. Although a trip through the Berlese funnel is fatal for the weevils (there is ethyl alcohol at the bottom of the jars for preservation), their sacrifice is not in vain. The weevil numbers obtained from the funnels can tell us when we have sufficient weevil density to put out on the lake.
The funnels were run during the week of February 14, 2011 using samples from the tanks. Despite the very cold weather we've experienced in January and early February of 2011, we still have lots of weevils alive in three out of the four tanks. The one tank that is showing low weevil numbers never got a good population established. We should be able to restock it with weevils from another tank and get a good crop by the time we're ready to release them on the lake. For control of giant salvinia in a system, it's believe that 60 weevils per kilogram of giant salvinia is needed. However, it's believed that weevils should be released for control once they reach 30 per kilogram. One of our tanks is showing over 50 weevils per kilogram of giant salvinia, thus, the sooner we can get these bugs out on the water, the better. The important thing now is to keep these weevils alive and reproducing until it's time to release them on the lake. All in all, the fact that living weevils are present in the tanks shows that the greenhouses have done their job so far.
Monday, February 7, 2011
Big Green Break / Tar Island Salvinia Coverage Video (Fall of 2010)
This video clip was taken November 2010 during an airboat survey (piloted by the TPWD Jasper aquatic vegetation crew) through a thick giant salvinia infestation on Tar Island / Big Green Break on Caddo Lake. This area is a large cypress break located in the middle of the lake positioned on the Texas and Louisiana border. This is a known problem area and is one of the primary giant salvinia nursery areas on the lake. Giant salvinia typically moves downstream into this protected area from other major infestations. It is hoped that this area will become an important weevil release site at some point in the future.
Sorry about the shaky and wobbly footage...airboats are loud, bumpy, and generally difficult to videotape from when using a small, handheld digital camera borrowed from your wife. Notice that at some points, even the powerful airboat struggles to push through the choking giant salvinia mats.
Refilling Weevil / Giant Salvinia Tanks
The reason that we are converting over from well water to lake water is that the well water chemistry was too far from what giant salvinia prefers. The pH and alkalinity of the well water were such that we could not feasibly change the quality of the water with the typical peat moss and muriatic acid amendments. As you all know, the water in Caddo Lake seems to be more than hospitable for giant salvinia growth, so this is the route we are going to take from here on out.
In addition to a conducive pH and alkalinity, Caddo Lake water also contains higher levels of essential nutrients and minerals as compared to the relatively sterile well water. Nitrogen and iron are critical giant salvinia growth, especially in the weevil tanks, and the lake water will give the salvinia the boost it needs to grow well in the tanks. When the spring growing season arrives, rapidly growing giant salvinia in the tanks will uptake much of the nutrients thus requiring the addition of supplemental fertilizers.
The well water does have the potential to be used in smaller, movable tubs that will be used for a "salvinia nursery" in order to re-stock the weevil tanks once the weevil-infested material is placed out on the lake. Smaller volumes of water are much easier to amend than our 6,000 weevil tanks are.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
New Sign!!
The Salvinia weevil rearing facility has also gotten some local press in the past week. February 2nd of every year is celebrated as World Wetlands Day and during this year's local celebration, an update on the activities going on with the salvinia weevil rearing facility was a part of the discussion. You can read the article from the
Marshall News Messenger regarding World Wetlands Day on Caddo Lake featuring the Caddo Lake Giant Salvinia Project at:
Also, please visit our frequently updated facebook page. From facebook ,you can search "caddo lake" or simply click the link below.!/pages/Caddo-Lake-Giant-Salvinia-Eradication-Project/162588863767594
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Caddo Lake Weevil Overwintering Study
Beginning in early fall of 2010, a study to document how well salvinia weevils (Cyrtobagous salviniae) can tolerate a Caddo Lake winter was designed by research entomologist Dr. Allen Knutson of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service . To do this, fifty "weevil cages" were built and placed in a densely infested area of giant salvinia in the backwaters of Caddo Lake. In each cage, exactly ten weevils were placed along with a clump of green giant salvinia for them to feed upon. In addition, temperature loggers are recording the surface water temperature at the cage location.
Every two weeks, from fall till early spring, four cages are removed and taken to a lab where the cages are searched for the ten weevils. Alive and dead weevils are counted and recorded to give a complete picture of weevil mortality coinciding with the changing water temperature through winter. Preliminary results show that weevil survival was high until the last week of December 2010 when overall survival plummeted (likely due to the first major cold spell of the winter season). At the end of the study, we'll be able to match the temperature logs with the weevil count data. Results and findings will be published on this blog and the facebook page.
Our next study will use these same cages to monitor the date and temperature in which weevils start laying eggs during a Caddo Lake spring.
So, if you're in the backwaters of Caddo Lake and you see numerous pink, floating styrofoam squares (with wedding veil tulle coming off the top of each square), don't throw it away because it's probably not trash! (or at least not yet)
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Small-Scale Weevil Release on Caddo (Sept. 2010)

Three months later, in December 2010, area was sampled to see if weevils persisted through the initial cold weather of the season. Out of the twelve hand-sized samples, ten living weevils were found alive. That's not that many, but very encouraging that some living weevils were actually found! The area will be sampled again in mid-February to see if any weevils can be found after the series of cold snaps the region has experienced in January and February of 2011.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Blog and Facebook page online for the Caddo Lake Giant Salvinia Eradication Project

If you have been by the Caddo Lake National Wildlife Refuge lately, you may have noticed two really big greenhouses out behind the headquarters. These greenhouses are being used to grow giant salvinia and salvinia weevils year round so that live weevils can be released on Caddo Lake early this spring while giant salvinia is still recovering from the winter.
Each greenhouse has 2 large tanks inside that are 15ft x 48 ft and hold about 6,000 gallons of water. The Karnack Volunteer Fire Department has been great and helped us out with obtaining water from Caddo Lake to fill these tanks. Believe it or not, giant salvinia is actually hard to grow. It just so happens that it really likes the conditions in Caddo Lake.
Salvinia weevils (Crytobagous salviniae) are a biological control agent used to kill giant salvinia. The weevils currently being grown at this facility will be released on to Caddo Lake this spring providing a cost effective mechanism for controlling giant salvinia in those parts of the lake that are off the beaten path.
The weevils themselves are tiny little critters that are barely longer than 2 millimeters or about the width of 2 pennies stacked together. The weevils feed on and lay their eggs in giant salvinia

So now that you know what is going on in those greenhouses, stop by the main office and ask for Patrick. If he is there, he will be glad to give you a tour.
Don't forget, you can also check out the project website at: